National Geographic Your Shot Publications
I joined National Geographic Your Shot in August of 2019. It is a very special and unique social media photography site with a focus on visual story telling, assignments, and publications; some of which end up in National Geographic or National Geographic Traveler Magazine. Over the last year, I was published 10 times and received over 60 editor favorites. One million photographers belong to the site and ten million photographs have been uploaded (2019). The site is currently under threat by the layoffs imposed by Disney after the purchase of Fox Entertainment which owns National Geographic.
An aerial shot of a junior synchronized swimming team. This is the very first year for these young girls and they struggle just to make simple formations but the tubes and coaches certainly helped.
“Lifesavers.” Published in the National Geographic “Visual Story July 1, 2019” assignment
My daughter Sophia on the bottom of the lift has "graduated" to the more advanced USA synchro team. In this picture, she and her USA teammates have been asked to demonstrate a lift for the younger swimmers. Doing advanced lifts and flips is a rite of passage for these younger swimmers as it shows a higher level of athleticism and coordination.
“Synchro School.” Published in the National Geographic “Rites of Passage” assignment.
I finally got a chance to try a shot with a friend's son. The shot was about getting a moment where I liked the lighting and skater in the same frame. We have lots of bike tunnels where I live and I have had this idea to use smoke and lighting to create a dramatic effect with a skater boarder. We finally found a night where we all could get together and experimented with the process and timing. I really like how they came out and hope YS does as well..
“Tunnel Vision.” Published in the National Geographic “Anticipate the Moment” assignment.
What appears to be a literal close encounter by something alien was captured as part of special backpacking trip where the goal was to have a close encounter with my youngest daughter. The glow sticks were brought with the intention of engaging in some fun with my daughter and introducing her to the stars not often seen in our light polluted world. The glow sticks were thrown up in the air just before the shutter opened and the wind did the rest of the work for this magical shot.
“Psychedelic Close Encounter.” Published in the National Geographic “Close Encounters” assignment.
This trio of swimmers just tried on their show suits and are ready to test out their suits and routine for the big annual weekend show. The parents of the swimmers spend hours customizing the suits to fit the routine and music. The swimmers came up with the pose which I absolutely loved. The aging pool provided a neat backdrop that was perfect for the trio shot.
“Show Suits.” Published in National Geographic Photos of the Week
This picture cracks me up every time I look at it. I love the lifeguard’s body posture as he is confidently looking after these young synchronized swimming performers. This was taken awhile back when my daughter just began synchro but it is now a treasured photo that I really wanted to share with YS.
“THE LIFEGUARD.” Published in National Geographic’s “Caption This” Story.
This was the first year my daughter was part of a year-round more advanced level USA Synchro team. I have been taking the team's portrait and show shots for the last few years as the volunteer team photographer but had the amazing opportunity to "up my game" by shooting this powerful and beautiful sport during this cold and rainy winter in California. Sitting beside the pool, often in the rain, I shot away and was able to capture this image my daughter's teammate being flipped in the air.
“Steam Roller.” Published National Geographic Photo of the Day April 9th, 2019
Many of my underwater "split" shots have recently included the sky but I really like the very smooth and glassy water reflection in this one. This is a shot of my daughter's synchronized swimming team during a recent practice which I had the pleasure and honor of shooting. The team is always excited to see my photos on social media and we have created a nice cooperative "working" relationship!
“Body of Water." Published in National Geographic’s “Daily Dozen,” May 22, 2019
A shot of my daughter at a night time synchronized swimming practice. They were inspired to practice this lift and this was one of those moments where coming to a late cold night practice with my camera really paid off! The lift was perfect and the steam added mystery to the shot! I was also lucky that my camera pulled off the shot at 32,000 ISO with just available pool lighting. So lucky to have kids in this sport.
“Synchro Leviosa.” Published in National Geographic’s “Best Photos of February, 2019” assignment.
This was the first year my daughter was part of a year-round more advanced level USA Synchro team. I have been taking the team's portrait and show shots for the last few years as the volunteer team photographer but had the amazing opportunity to "up my game" by shooting this powerful and beautiful sport during this cold and rainy winter in California. Sitting beside the pool, often in the rain, I shot away and was able to capture this image my daughter's teammate being flipped in the air.
“Steam Roller.” Published National Geographic Photo of the Day, April 9, 2019
Published Online 9/26/2019 “Photo of the Day.”